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General Resources for Secondary Math


General Resources for Secondary Math

Links verified on 8/13/2014

  1. Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Precalculus, Statistics - Learn each skill then practice what you've learned.
  2. Ask Dr. Math: Questions and Answers - You can also submit your own questions.
  3. A Common Book of p - a brief history of extended precision approximations of pi, including Archimedes' method for estimating pi, a page full of "oh, wow!" formulas used to estimate pi over the centuries, and a brief look at a modern algorithm used to compute pi
  4. Convert Auto - convert just about anything automatically
  5. Exercises in Math Readiness - A very thorough site with all levels of higher mathematics. Site includes tutorials along with exercise practices for subjects that include algebra, trigonometry, geometry, logarithmic functions, complex numbers, truth tables and direct and indirect proofs.
  6. High School Ace - math resources for Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus
  7. Interactive Mathematics - Use Flash, Scientific Notebook and LiveMath to explore mathematics and get a better understanding of what it all means. Play and learn! Check out the extensive math lessons. [categorized by concept]
  8. Khan Academy - [video lessons] a library of over 3,000 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and 315 practice exercises A video is available through this link
  9. Math Continuum - Numbers, Pattern/Relations, Shape/Space, Statistics/Probability - This site has an excellent glossary, be sure you take a look at it.
  10. The Math Forum: Internet Resource Collection - this is a condensed table of contents of the resources available
  11. Math League Help Topics - This is a help resource for 4th through 8th grades. You will find help tutorials for the following topics: Whole numbers and their basic properties; Decimals, whole numbers, and exponents; Using data and statistics; Fractions; Geometry; Ratio and proportion; Percent and probability; Integers; Metric units and measurement; Introduction to algebra; and Positive and negative numbers.
  12. MathVids - a web site providing high quality, instructional, free math videos to middle school, high school, and college students who need math help A video is available through this link
  13. Mathematical Tables and Formulas - This is designed for students and educators to quickly access mathematical formulas. The tables are organized by topics
  14. Mega Mathematics - Math activities posted by Los Alamos National Laboratory.
  15. Middle & High School Math Topics - from the Awesome Library 
  16. Multiplication: An Adventure in Number Sense - Multiplication tips; click on any underlined fact on the table to learn about a reason why you do not have to memorize it. Use the Next arrow to see what else you can discover.
  17. Number Gossip - Enter a number and the site will tell you everything you wanted to know about it but were afraid to ask. [For example, I found out that unreasoned fear of the number 13 is termed triskaidekaphobia]
  18. Number Theory - a list of links from Math Archives
  19. On Line Math Applications - multi-link site [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  20. Percentage Calculator - Calculator with many other percentage and percent calculators with examples. Anytime you need to calculate percentage or learn how to calculate percentage, the percentage calculator is there to help.
  21. Pi through the Ages includes an interesting mnemonic for the decimal expansion of pi. Each successive digit is the number of letters in the corresponding word. With this mnemonic you can remember pi to 3.14159265358979323846264... If you are interested in a bit of whimsy, check out these pi carols to sing on pi day, March 14.
  22. Standard Measurements in Sports from InfoPlease
  23. Student Resources: Measurement and Calculation Tools - A diverse range of online calculation and measurement tools is available for users of all ages, from elementary students to academics and professionals. Compiled by a Mortgage Rate site. [Thank you Betty]
  24. Tips & Tricks to use in solving K-12 Math Problems, Puzzles. Check out the tips on how to beat the calculator.
  25. Webmath! - over 100 instant-answer, self-help, math solvers, ready to help you get your math problem solved

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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